My week on a Trika Retreat

I’d always fancied the idea of a yoga retreat. But it seemed like something that would stay just an idea. 

I couldn’t justify spending that kind of money, aren’t they all extortionate? Feels a bit too self-indulgent, doesn’t it? Plus, I’d be intimidated by all the advanced yogis wandering around on their hands and folding themselves up in pretzel knots... right? 

As it turns out: no, no and no. 

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Charlene LimComment
A little about why we do what we do

Hi! Firstly, welcome! We thought we’d start up this blog page, for well, sharing thoughts and musings and anything retreat (or maybe sometimes not) related! 😊 I’m Charlene, and I put together all the retreats! 👋

I guess a place to start with this blog is about why we run them! There’s already a little bit on the About Us section but lets dive in with more! ☺️

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